Greenland ICE becoming DARKER ....?
The bright surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet reflected well over half of the sunlight that fell on it. This reflectiveness helped keep the ice sheet stable.
In the past decade, however, satellites have observed a decrease in Greenland’s reflectiveness.
This darker surface now absorbs more sunlight, which accelerates melting.
In the past decade, however, satellites have observed a decrease in Greenland’s reflectiveness.
This darker surface now absorbs more sunlight, which accelerates melting.
Warmer, lower-elevation areas of the ice sheet have darkened more than the colder, higher-altitude interior. Each summer, winter snow retreats from the edge of the ice sheet. Dark pools of melt water form on the surface of the ice, and windblown dust and other particles also collect near the surface, making it even less reflective.
Jason Box of Ohio State University, who analyzed the reflectiveness data propose that ice itself undergone change in shape and structure...
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Courtesy:Nasa Earth Observatory
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