Descending Cirrus clouds characteristics over Gadanki (Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh). Our research published

Our long awaited publication exploring the Descending Cirrus clouds over Gadanki. Int'l. Journal of Remote Sensing It is the story of Cirrus clouds which descends / ascends altitude ..... their characteristic properties ....using NARL's long term Lidar data. Nellore Manoj Kumar, Kannan Venkatramanan, Anish Kumar M. Nair & Shekatam Satheesh Kumar (2020) On the characterization of descending nature of cirrus clouds over a tropical site, Gadanki, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41:17, 6550-6569, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2020.1742942 The interesting feature of Cirrus cloud's descending & ascending are well characterized using ~6 years of lidar observations. The study roots back to the inspiration from my earlier work published in J.Geophysicsl Research in 2012 Nair, A. K. M. , K....