
Showing posts from December, 2011

Clouds on Venus are made concentrated sulfuric acid

 Clouds on Venus are made concentrated sulfuric acid ...! not Water as in earth's atmosphere.... Venus experienced tremendous volcanic activity, flooding the surface with new lava and filling the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, causing a runaway greenhouse effect...  Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Read more:

Lunar Eclipse (Real fotos & Simulation)

My colleague Mr.Sobhan Kumar Kompalli, Scientist in Space Physics Laboratory has clicked more than 100 snaps of the beautiful 'Lunar Eclipse' that entertained earthlings on 10-Dec-2011. Here is a matrix of few selected snaps by the  amateur  photographer. Also have a view of the Simulated Lunar Eclipse ( animation)  which I generated using the open source software 'Stellarium'. You are welcome to watch  the drama unfold......! Photograph by Mr.Sobhan Kumar Kompalli (

Global warming forces Birds to higher altitudes.

Global warming forces Birds to higher altitudes and not necessarily to higher latitudes.... finds a study....... birds aren't migrating as rapidly as scientists previously anticipated, based on recorded temperature increases. "However, our understanding of the response of tropical birds to warming is still poor," said German Forero-Medina, a Ph.D. student at Duke's Nicholas School who is lead author of the new study. "Moving to the north doesn't help them, because tropical temperatures do not change very much with latitude. So moving up to higher elevations is the only way to go, but there are few historical data that can serve as baselines for comparison over time." Read more:  "Elevational Ranges of Birds on a Tropical Montane Gradient Lag Behind Warming Temperatures" German Forero-Medina, John Terborgh, S. Jacob Socolar & Stuart L. Pimm. PLoS ONE,...

Predicting South Asian Floods..!

A new Project Aims to Predict South Asian Floods Are our Glaciers melting .... faster ....??? How it affects the nearby lakes and rivers flow and will it cause floods...? A new effort, dubbed HIMLA and led by Molly Brown of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, aims to change this by harnessing state-of-the-art, satellite-based monitoring and modeling techniques. Scientists will feed data from satellite instruments such as MODIS and ASTER into a hydrological model that will produce daily snow/water equivalence maps that will feed into other hydrological models to determine how much freshwater flows into the region’s rivers from snow and glaciers.  The ultimate goal: an early warning system for flood prediction.... Read more from NASA's blog: