
Showing posts from July, 2011

Suicide of a COMET ........!

   On July 5th, a comet  committed suicide by driving directly to the 'SUN'. NASA released it's video footage  showing the final stages of the comet's death plunge. It was observed by the ' SO lar H eliospheric O bservatory' and ' S olar D ynamics O bservatory'. source: courtesy: Science@NASA              ScienceAtNASA's Channel

how to get HARDWARE information in LINUX

Here is a link showing few methods to get the Hardware info of ur PC like firmware versions, BIOS info, motherboard, and memory configuration, CPU info and so on. try this command interminal sudo   lshw -html>myhadwareinformation.html check this link for more interesting methods and how to install...

Pluto's 4th moon discovered....

Hubble telescope finds new moon for Pluto.... Scientists are temporarily calling the new moon P4. P4 is the fourth object known to be circling pluto; other members are Charon, Nix and Hydra satellites. U can read more news here...

"pool of inhibited cloudiness" in Bay of Bengal. (new paper)

Characteristics of a persistent "pool of inhibited cloudiness" and its genesis over the Bay of Bengal associated with the Asian summer monsoon  This paper presents the characteristics of a "pool of inhibited cloudiness" over the Bay of Bengal, persisting throughout the Asian summer monsoon season....  probing into the  spatial and vertical structure its  formation mechanism...... and proposal of a mini-circulation embedded in the monsoon circulation...... You can read more here....... Abstract: 1247/2011/angeo-29-1247-2011. html Download Full Paper (.pdf): 1247/2011/angeo-29-1247-2011. pdf Nair, Anish Kumar M., Rajeev, K., Sijikumar, S., and Meenu, S.: Characteristics of a persistent "pool of inhibited cloudiness" and its genesis over the Bay of Bengal associated with the Asian summer monsoon, Ann. Geophys., 29, 1247-1252, doi:10.5194/angeo-29-1247- 2011, 2011.